Monday, December 1, 2008



ThruVision T4400 T-Ray (T-RAY) detectors will allow Wuchuduocang secret. Terahertz radiation (the T-rays) to about 1 trillion hertz frequency of occurrence - in the range of microwave and electromagnetic spectrum between infra-red. Unlike X-rays, T-ray is a non-ionizing radiation, so users will not bring the risk of cancer. They can penetrate clothing, packaging, and even a few millimeters deep infiltration of the human body and therefore, T-rays are safe and skin cancer screening, detection of cavities, such as the ideal tool for medical applications.
Prior to that, T-ray generation is very difficult, but the Harvard researchers recently applied for the first room temperature, consistent source of T-ray patent, Argonne National Laboratory scientists are developing portable T-ray generator. T-ray emissions from natural to capture low-resolution passive detection systems have been listed for sale: Detroit Wayne County public security bureau is being tested by the British company ThruVision developed a scanning system, you can enter any of the criminal court were to be checked.

  ThruVision T4400 T射线(T-RAY)探测器将会让秘密无处躲藏。太赫兹辐射线(简称T射线)以大约1万亿赫兹的频率发生——介于微波和电磁波频谱的红外线之间。不同于X射线,T射线是一种不电离的射线,所以,不会给用户带来患癌症的风险。它们可以穿透衣服、包装,甚至于渗透人体几毫米深,因此,T射线是安全检查和皮肤癌、龋洞检测等医学应用的理想工具。

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